Coffee Production Information

  • Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) is a government agency responsible for promoting coffee production, value addition, marketing and consumption.
  • Uganda is the second producer of coffee and the leading exporter from Africa.
  • In Uganda, coffee represents less than 20% of the average family plots, but provides over 50% of cash income in an average year.
  • Uganda’s annual coffee production is 282,000 tons (8th globally).
  • Uganda accounts for 5.1% of global coffee production and 5.3% coffee exports.
  • 117 districts and 1.8 million households grow coffee.
  • The average coffee farm size per household is 0.18 hectares or 0.45 acres.
  • The government set a target of producing 20 million bags by 2030.
  • Under the Parish Development Model (PDM) coffee is one of the main targeted enterprises that are expected to create wealth of subsistence households.

Information about coffee growing in Uganda

Heading Details
Establishing  Coffee FarmClear the site, dig holes, select good planting materials, plant seedlings based on recommended spacing and other practices. Seek guidance from UCDA and district agricultural extension staff and buy seedlings/cuttings from approved coffee seedling nursery operators.
Soil TestingIt is important to carry out soil testing in order to determine the nutrient and pH status of the soil in the planned garden.
Seedling/Plantlet Costs
  • Elite Seedlings, UGX 350, Clonal cuttings, UGX 1,500
  • Coffee Wilt Disease Resistant (CWDr) Cuttings using Tissue Culture, UGX 2,000
Coffee Spacing
  • Robusta: 3 m x 3 m or 10 ft x 10 ft
  • Arabica:  2.4 m x 2.4 m or 8 ft x 8 ft
Plant Holes
  • Robusta: 2ft wide X 2ft long by 2ft deep
  • Arabica:  2ft wide X 2ft long by 2ft deep
Shade Trees
  • Permanent tree shade spacing 15×40 m depending on tree variety
Cost of Establishing Garden / Acre
  • Robusta in first 2 years, UGX 4.7 million; in 6 years: UGX 12.2 million
  • Arabica in first 2 years, UGX 5.4 million; In 6 years: UGX 13.30 million
Plant Population
  • Robust, 1100/ha or 450/acre
  • Arabica, 1640/ha or 640/acre
Coffee Crop ManagementTo get better yields, the following are needed; use of good planting materials, improving the fertility of the soils using fertilizers or organic manure, weed control, disease control, mulching, irrigation and pruning.
Coffee Yield (Green coffee)Under good agronomical practices, management and care, clonal robusta coffee, will give first flowers within 12 months of Planting.

  • Robusta – 0.55kg to 1.1kg/tree (600kg/ha to 1,200kg/ha)
  • Arabica – 0.31kg/tree to 1kg/tree (500kg/ha to 1,600kg/ha)
Gross Income Cost
  • Robusta in first 2 years, UGX (-2.9 million); in 6 years: UGX 11.8. million per year
  • Arabica (with Beans & Bananas) in first 2 years, UGX 4.3 million; In 6 years: UGX 20.7 million per year
Cost of Establishing a Coffee Garden Acre
  • Robusta in first 2 years, UGX 4.7 million; in 6 years: UGX 12.2 million
  • Arabica in first 2 years, UGX 5.4 million; In 6 years: UGX 13.30 million
Additional information
  • Buy good clean planting materials in order to get good yields.
  • Plant coffee seedlings during rainy season.
  • Plant very early in the morning or late in the evening.
  • Remove the polythene pot cover before planting the seedling/cutting.
  • Provide temporary shade to the newly planted coffee plantlets and water where necessary.
  • The coffee garden should always be mulched and weed free.
  • Beans and bananas are good intercrops for coffee.
  • At maturity, harvest only the red-ripe cherry and dry it immediately on tarpaulins, raised platforms or cemented floor to preserve coffee’s good quality.

Source of information: UCDA website; and literature review. 


The information provided is indicative and is intended to give a general picture to Produce More Coffee campaign Participants. Please consult Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA), your district agricultural offices, the National Coffee Research Institute (NaCORI) or yo-ur nearest local government extension officer for guidance on coffee production.  

Posted in Campaign Info.

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